How to Make an EZScreen DIY Silk Screen Stencil Step by Step Tutorial
Table of Content Pick & Print an Image Choose the type of message you'd like to post Drag Paint Along Your Mesh Step 2: Finding an Image The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine Print your design Step 5: Painting Onto Your Shirt Just keep spraying and eventually you'll see the image start to appear more and more as the emulsion washes away. You've just made your first silkscreen. Place a clean piece of glass over the image to hold it tight against the screen. Hold the image in your hand so you're looking at the image how you want to see it on your tee shirt, then flip it over and place it on the screen. You'll notice my image appears white now, because I've flipped it over and the dark portion of it is now touching the screen. Do this lightly the first time to ensure that the screen has been evenly covered. This is called flooding the screen. Then bring the squeegee across the screen again. You'll need to hold your squeegee at an...